Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Typical Day

I enjoyed sewing room time today.  I made two purse inserts from fat quarters instead of yardage.  I had to make a few adjustments to the cutting out but now I know that it is doable with 4 fat quarters for each insert. 
And worked on quilting for my neighbor.  She made these are three little quilts with leftover fabric from a kit-aren't they the cutest little quilts?! 
 They are 36" square.  I am quilting them with dragonfly and bumble bee pantos.
I am working on the border for the end of this little pattern........I have learned that I do NOT like to make the nupps (on this pic, the diamond patterned little bumps for design emphasis); they really disturb the peacefulness of knitting for me!!!  Live and learn.
The pool is clearing up........looking better every day!


  1. I haven't tried nupps yet but I really don't like them visually so I may never get around to it. I have to ask where do you get the pattern for the purse inserts my aunt has been wanting one forever seems like a good gift idea.

  2. The colors in Millie's quilt are so bright and cheerful -- nice. Make sure you share close-up pics of the quilting!

    The pool is looking much happier...

  3. Great colors today...even in the pool!

    Your productivity always amazes me!!


  4. I love the quilts!!!!

    Your pool looks so inviting. Bet it feels good especially when its HOT.

  5. love the purse inserts--do you sell them??sharon

  6. Cool bags, & very happy quilts! I do have pool envy! I always wanted to be able to swim every day. Now I'm lucky to swim once or twice a year!

    I left a reply to your last comment in my comments. Thanks for stopping by & commenting, as always!Cheers!

  7. Love the liners..great colors. The pool is looking 100% You are one busy lady..not sure how you do it all. Your frame sure gets a work out. Mine is still packed away because of the gym equipment in the living room..grrr!!
    Keep cool!! Judi B.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!