Monday, August 9, 2010

To Begin ...

I didn't make it to the store for some batting so I dug in the closet and found pieces to put together for this quilt!  Sometimes, waiting just isn't an option.  I even drew my own car pantograph which I will show you tomorrow when I finish this!
While digging in the closet, I came across these old bowling balls that Bill found for me a while ago-they will be painted and placed in the flower gardens.  I use a metallic paint by Plaid for the undercoat and then use additional layers for decoration-flowers and such.  I have two which I have done previously and they held up well in all the weather conditions that both NY and FL has thrown at them!
Bill worked in the breezeway and put in most of these.
And installed this temporarily so I can do laundry in the evening now if I want, too! 
(We passed the inspection to finalize the plumbing so he is working toward the final electrical inspection next month!)
Today's mail brought a new purchase-a larger sliding hook flyer for the Ashford Joy.  It took a bit of playing around to get the equipment to work smoothly but the purchase of  a pound of roving  gives me plenty of 'breaking in' fiber.  The bobbins are larger, holding 3.5 ounces instead of 2 so I can finally get larger skeins from my spinning.  Hoping to have some skeins to share soon.


  1. There is just something so very pleasing about spheres!

    Abigail's comment from over my shoulder -- "Ooooh, look, they have a lightbulb!!!" :)

    Can't wait to see the quilting!

  2. I think that you are reaching that threshold of remodeling so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor soon. I love the bowling ball idea really cool. That spinning wheel is on my "want" list hopefully within a year I'll be able to get one and spin myself silly.

  3. I would never have guessed that those are bowling balls. Good idea!

    Love the quilt colors! (And still resisting the temptation to learn to spin......)


  4. Sliding-hook flyers are so wonderful. What is with Ashford's tiny, tiny bobbin sizes? :( Even when I spin singles on my Ashford, I mostly ply on my Fricke.

  5. Bowling balls? Well, at leat they won't blow away and shouldn't break if they get knocked about some.

    Wow! That roving you are spinning is turning out lovely. Do you like it at the one pound level as much as you did the one ounce one? What are you going to do with it when it is all spun up? Dye it? Weave or knit it?

  6. Looks like you're making great progress on all fronts! :o) I love the two kids quilts! :o)


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!