I am painting our bathroom floor to hide the stained and dirty old ceramic tiles....Sherwin Williams to the rescue with some enamel in terre cotta to give a whole new look! It will need two coats for full coverage and full endurance. It is so nice to have intense colors in my home! When we lived in NY Bill needed all room colors to be light because there wasn't enough outside light but here where it is sunny almost everyday, he has agreed that rooms that are color-rich look great! (I will start on the second coat on Monday.) Then on to the walls..........Hooray!
This afternoon we enjoyed a front seat view of the Shuttle launch-it is really something to be able to see the contrail right out our backyard:

This is our last view and just 30 seconds later........
the only thing we see is the contrails............
It is an amazing sight and we are glad to be able to share it. I have been amazed by our Space program since a child......even watching the moon with my Dad at my side when the first astronaut walked there and he convinced me I could see Neil Armstrong waving to me......