Saturday, November 13, 2010

Color Sated

Hit the dyepot in a little different way this time.  I tried to get a two color result in one skein so put 1/2 in a mason jar and put it in the sun to heat!
 My first batch didn't work right-it came out more red than orange and I had to try again!  I am calling this skein a popsicle rocket.  Remember those popsicles you ate as a kid?  Bill we be getting these socks.
 The second batch turned out the right color of orange and blue.    
  I even dyed another bit of roving to match the last skein of yarn so there is enough to make mittens and hat.

The Gator yarn is wound up in a ball and ready to be knit into a pair of socks for a special Gator fan.
Bill brought these in today-radishes from the garden-just so crisp and tart!  Delicious.
The other fruit are persimmons.  I have never eaten one but will try one now.  The color is just right for this color sated day.


  1. That special Gator fan will be thrilled to pieces!!!

    I have been interested in persimmons lately -- let me know what you think of them.

  2. We have a smaller persimmon here in Indiana, and after the first frost when they ripen, they get made into the best thing ever to eat - Persimmon Pudding! Yum!!!

    Popsicle Rocket indeed!!

  3. Cool dyeing technique!!

    I've never eaten a persimmon either. Tell us how it is!!!


  4. That's one lucky Gator fan, hand knitted socks in just the right color!

  5. great colours! not for the timid to wear though? I tried a persimon a few days ago, but was rather disappointed with the lack of flavour. I suppose your own, picked when fully ripe might be very different!


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I've been inspired by Deb's  recent spinning adventures  so I ordered some BFL wool from Greenwood to spin! I am ready to add someth...