Friday, November 19, 2010

Fall is Here

 This is our dogwood tree, it is turning color and looking like it is Autumn!  We are starting to see robins and that is a sure sign that the season has changed.  The nights are in the 50's and the days in the mid 70's.  Just about perfect!
 Out by the pond, this poplar is a beautiful array of color for here.  The little tree to the left is a maple.  You can see the goldenrod in the front left is just about done with its golden color.
 Mums are doing their thing throughout the yard.
 Bill has been continuing his work on the pond.  He has about doubled the size of it with his trusty tractor.
 But he still needs me on occasion to pull him out of a tough spot!
 It is good to be needed!
 I finished the Gator fan socks.
 And immediately cast on for a second pair; I will be overdyeing these with some pink.  This is the third attempt for these; the first they were too wide, the second too narrow and now, they are just right.  I will call them Goldilocks' socks!
I also UNweaved all 18" of this scarf.  The colors acted like their neighbor had cooties; they just didn't sit well with each other....
I used the rest of the plant fiber samples I had previously spun and this is just a beautiful blend of natural colors and work well with each other!


  1. Nice projects finished and in progress...countdown until I get there to see them for myself! :)

  2. that pond is huge! and what on earth are "cooties"? I assume it's not something nice:))

  3. That white scarf is going to be a beauty when you're done with it.
    I love this time of year in N. FL. You can't really tell the difference in S. FL. God I want to get out of here someday, lol!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.