Tuesday, February 8, 2011

'Tis Blooming

 My Valentine orchid has three of its four blooms open!  I wake up to this sight every morning!
 And this is what we see out the front window of the house.......camillias!
These are only two of the six bushes in bloom.
The rain really pelted them yesterday, in fact, we have had a lot of rain over the last week which has been very welcome but the sunshine today is very beautiful. 
These blooms are about 6" across-stunning!  Seeing all the color just puts a zip in your step!


  1. I'll be there soon to see it in person! :-D

  2. Beautiful!! Just the thing for this grey New England day!


  3. gorgeous!! I think my camellias are close to death, they look terrible. the buds are brown and I don't think they'll open at all:((

  4. It's still black and white here. Mostly white. I cannot wait for spring so we can get a zip in our step, too!

  5. Beautiful flowers. How is it up there? Still cold at night?

  6. Your Camillas look like our Sitka roses. I can almost smell the rose scent looking at the picture. Are they the same? I wonder...


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