Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sharing a Birthday!

 We took a trip to DeLand today for a lunch out to celebrate Dad's birthday!  He picked MainStreetGrill for our lunch; great choice!  The sun didn't shine today so it was a bit cooler at 60F we had to eat inside instead of enjoying the outdoor seating.
Nice to share Dad's birthday!  Even if our singing did cause him to grimace! 
Mom finished another dishcloth-it is still blue but it does have some accent color this time!
Clue 5 is in progress........the mystery shawl is gaining depth; only one more week to go so you will be seeing this in about 10 days!  It is not as easy for viewing, but using a shorter needle sure saves on sliding-stitches- time!
 I have two completed except for the binding quilts waiting for me.  Mom has finished the one I dropped off at her house.
 I have another pink one on the frame ready for me to be home to finish it!  (Two more in the queue!)
I am getting yarn ready for tomorrow-home improvement project in store for the men and Mom and I need some knitting while we watch from the peanut gallery!  (Some thrummed wrist warmers will result!)


  1. Happy birthday to Grandpa! Glad you were able to celebrate with him.

  2. Happy Birthday! He shares a birthday with my maternal grandmother who turned 90 yesterday.

    I've been thinking of thrummed mittens this week. They sure would have made life a bit warmer here in Indiana.

  3. Looks like it was a great Birthday DAy!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....