Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fringe Benefits

         Our fringe tree is in full bloom!  It smells heavenly, too.
   The blooms are large-12-15" each cluster.
  The mexican daisies are still doing their blooming thing.
  This little shurb is covered in little white flowers, alas, I do not know his name!
 This is in the lily family, it grows wild but we transplanted a few bulbs and they bloomed this time! 
 Bill bought a load of stones and we are placing them in the flowers around the pool area, getting ready for additional plants that the frost pruned back!  (Also , adding the stones as a deterrent to the dirt lovin' kitties!)
Some of the morning glories have come up from last year-more to come.
 I finished the tablerunner.  I will save it for Mother's Day, as it was gifted ahead of time for that occasion!
  A new sweater in on the needles, a cotton summer sweater for Abigail.
                             I finished the mystery knit for March-it is such a cute hat!  I will have to find a norther
sweetie to wear it for next winter! 


  1. Glad G & G are getting to see the fringe tree do its thing!

    The stones look great (are the cats miffed?!); the tablerunner turned out just beautiful; the sweater is just gorgeous! ...and the hat is very pretty, I love the cables and colors.

  2. Lovely photos of your coming into spring garden. Our autumn garden looks better today under a blue sky!

    Love the colours in the table runner.

    And now I know what the 'mystery' object is! I suspected a hat when you told me of the decreases in Clue 2.

  3. Just look at all those flowers! I am feasting my eyes on them - we are supposed to get snow this weekend! Only an inch, but still...

    I love the table runner - happy colors.

    The hat is lovely and I really like the pattern. It looks like spring - might make a good easter hat for someone in the northeast still fighting feet of snow, eh? Gosh I'm glad I don't live there.

  4. I'm always so jealous of how industrious you arewith not just your house projects, but craftiness too. Love it all, especially the hat:)


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