Thursday, March 31, 2011


 We took a drive down to Orlando and picked up my sister who had been attending a work conference this week. 
 On the way home, we stopped at one of our favorite restaurants.  It was a delightful time!
Mom has been working on this crocheted table cloth this winter.  She got a lot done inspite of her adventures!
This tablecloth will have 80 of these motifs with the patterning between each block.  A work of art!
She has been making a tablecloth for each of her grandchildren, to be received on the occasion of their wedding.  (9 to be made in all not counting the ones she has made for her children (3)!)
I finished the sweeater for Abigail on the drive!  On to the matching one for her mom! 
 I also have some pink yarn ready to go on the needles for a pair of socks.
It looks like this hibiscus!

(I am purposely avoiding the subject of goodbyes which were said this evening....Dad, Mom and Con head to Ny tomorrow morning, bright and early.)


  1. Goodbyes are stupid. Fabric and yarn and flowers are a much better subject for discussion!

  2. I guess you inherited your mother's talent for crochet Knitting!

    It's always wonderful to have time together, & each time we have to say goodbye it seems to get harder.

    It looks like you've been having a good time.

  3. glad you had such a great time with your Mom and Dad. Sorry we were unable to get there to see you this year--always look forward to visiting you all and seeing the updates on the house and the crafts. Not to mention Corky Bells. Sharon

  4. Work of art, I'll say! Wow! Lucky grandkids (and kids). The sock yarn does look like a hybiscus. Did you dye it?

    Mom and daughter sweaters. Really sweet!

  5. Nine tablecloths is an ambitious project - my grandmother only made two, my sister and I each got one that was started after our engagements were announced (they were engagement presents); for our weddings we got crocheted bedspreads. My grandmother was long gone before my brother married so no heirlooms for him!

    Don't be too sad at the goodbyes; just remember and praise the Lord for the great times you had together.

  6. Wow - amazing tablecloth!!!! Gorgeous work!

    I see you are busy and productive as ever. Good job!!

    You're right - the hibiscus is a beauty!!


    PS: I was proud of myself. I enjoyed being a potter for a day, but have NO DESIRE to take up pottery on my own!!!

  7. Your mom's crochet lace is beautiful, and I love the pink knit top!


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