Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Beauty In and Out

Marsel and I got her quilt loaded on the frame so that every spare moment could contribute to its completion!
 Marsel loves free motion and she made quick work of this!  It's having its ta-da moment already!
All the fussy-cut squares are rightly accented!
 Outside, the trees are responding to the near freezing night time temperatures.
 It is a brilliant display for us.
 It is easy to see where all the Maple trees are
The golf cart rides are a visual treat!


  1. That is one gorgeous quilt!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Great work, Marsel.

    Enjoy the rides and the family visits.

  3. Drove past Dunn's Creek yesterday and saw all the maples. So pretty. Hope you and your family had a good Thanksgiving :)


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These are the bushes in our side hedge;   usually not much for blooming until this year!   Even a double bloom on this bush! And this is the...