Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday's Decompression

 After company leaves, I like to go into either a cleaning mode or a creative one.   Today, the eclectic creative one kicked in.  A doll in the nursery at church needed some pants-easy way to wake the brain up.
 I sewed some pairs together and cut the others for this quilt.
 I painted the bowling balls that have been sitting in my sewing room for years.
 'Now they are out of the room and outside where I intended them to be!
 I warped my Ashford Knitter's loom and decided to use some Thanksgiving colored thick and thin yarn I got at a thrift store so I would have a runner on my buffet.  It felt good to be weaving and this loom is a breeze to warp so no blood pressure issues!
I finished the socks for Matthew!  I can't believe the yarn matched up when I was just going for random....there is order in the universe!
I sanded the glass pendants and set their bails so I can use them now!
I worked on Marsel's shawl in the evening and finished chart two.  And then I wondered why the lace border was so narrow........Yes, I forgot to do chart one of the edging first.   The shawl is in the naughty bucket.


  1. No, no, no -- rescue my beautiful shawl from the naughty bucket!!!

    Lots of other great finishes!

  2. All in one day? Really, you are very definitely an inspiration!

  3. Your quilts are fabulous. Bowling balls as garden ornaments... good idea. What kind of paint did you use?


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These are the bushes in our side hedge;   usually not much for blooming until this year!   Even a double bloom on this bush! And this is the...