Monday, December 29, 2014

Knitting and Birthdays...

I'm hoping this is the last post without a camera- UPS delivery tomorrow is anticipated!
 We took the long drive to Live Oak to see Ella's second birthday, I took knitting for the drive...
 Ella was very cute and appreciative of each gift.  It was so much fun to watch her open them and squeal with delight.
 She took her new Little People right over to her castle to play.
 She wanted to try on or check out each new present.
 She is trying on her dress-up costume here over...
 her new Syracuse University shirt from her family there!
I have a new project on the needles-another entrelac blanket for Elijah-I have a month to knit this so the crush is on!  I love extreme knitting!
(I knit one of these for each of the three new babies when they all made their arrival 1,2,3 a few years ago!  Here is Ella in hers.)


  1. Entrelac is on my bucket list. It's going to be a beauty!

  2. That was a nice, rich post -- especially for being camera-less! How did Ella grow up so much already?! Those baby days sure do fly by quickly.

    Hope your entrelac (spell check tries to change that into funny words like"shellac" and "Bergerac"!) knitting is pleasant and fast!

  3. What an beautiful little girl!
    Entrelac is great.

  4. The dress up costume is so cute... looks like Little Mermaid. The entrelac blankets are beautiful :)

  5. your camera croaked - and my computer has hiccups:( the downside of technology: they're great when they work....but your beautiful little mermaid even sparkles in simple phone pix:) very cute - I am sure it was fun to watch her opening her presents!
    and in a few hours the year changes - happy new year to you and your family!

  6. So cute in dress ups or tee shirt!

    Love the colours in that knitting. Hope you'll have the light you wanted before you have to cut the tail ends!


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