Monday, December 14, 2015

Stepping Out

The hand dyed, hand spun Merino Superwash socks are finished!  They turned out to be a pretty close
match for the two socks. 
We are having a very warm December and it is so nice to be outside to admire all of the flowers in bloom right now.  This is the calliandra bush at the end of our porch.  They are amazing blooms, aren't they?! 
The shrimp plants are all doing an above average bloom display.   The bushes have been attracting a type of moth-if you look near the top, you can see one! 
This is our own pointsettia that blooms right on schedule every year!  Yes, both the red and white grow together!   
The many Christmas cactuses are still graces us with blooms!  My front porch is just awash with the large rosy pink flowers! 
The needles were empty for only a few hours until I cast on the Hansel (half version).   I have wanted to make this shawl for a month now but had to wait for other projects to get done.  It is being knit in my own Coopworth/Romney woolen yarn.  I have other Coopworth yarns that will contrast with this main section later on in the knitting.  The shawl has different 'layers' of designs and colors and has been calling me to knit it!


  1. Your blooms are amazing!
    The socks turned out perfectly and that's hard to do with handspun. That is a beautiful shawl pattern that is perfect for the odds and ends of handspun. I may have to look at that one day when I get all my wips under control.

  2. I always envy you your colourful garden at this time of the year! we only have grey and moss and dark brown (and white with snow for a day last week!)... the only colour that will come soon is the yellow of the witch hazel - no comparison to your tropical reds and pinks!
    and the socks look great - I wonder how well they'll keep without poly in them...
    happy knitting!

  3. I love that yarn! It's already giving that shawl a really light airy look

  4. The socks turned out great! I love the picture of the calliandra. I'm unfamiliar with the flower, but it is absolutely beautiful. Lots of pink and red blooming for you now, huh?

  5. You did a great job with the socks. You'll be needing them on Saturday, I hear.

    The pointsettas are so pretty grouped like that. I've tried growing them, but mine always get a bad case of white fly.

  6. Oh your socks are beauties. Hansel is a cool pattern. NEW to me

  7. I ask so looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful flowers! The poinsettia is especially gorgeous. The shawl looks so promising -- can't wait to see it come alive!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.