Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Lapse in Haps

I was sidetracked from this knit and have decided to crank it into the finished pile;  it is the Hap for Harriet Shawl.  I am almost halfway with this shawl,  using handspun Shetland 2 ply in natural grey I overdyed with the dark olive green.
The first of my bulb lilies is blooming-the orange variety is going to be popping into bloom next week is my guess!  We are getting rain every afternoon and the plants are reflecting the bounty.   To give you an idea of the difference in rainfall-we have had more this month (12") than we had ALL of last year.  The summer is our rainy season and we need 20"+ minimum to avoid drought conditions.
We do not sing the 'Rain, rain, go away! song here!  The flowers agree!


  1. Fun to see a shawl on your needles and in your hands again-- it has been a while! The lilies are beautiful. Ours are blooming, too; the blossoms are particularly large this year, for some reason. I think of you every time I look at them, so it was fun to "see" your lilies, too!

  2. the lilies are lovely. We are getting rain almost every day - I haven't had to water my garden in a week. Last summer I was watering it every day.

  3. Oh those pops of red!!! How beautiful!

    We had a scary amount of rain last night. The center hallway from the garage was flooded (although I don't think it went in to any of the apartments). We were over by the Trout River and it was running FAST! No lazy river yesterday! LOL

  4. My hap is gathering dust too. Something about all that wool in my lap is not appealing in midsummer.

  5. Your shawl is going to be gorgeous! So many are knitting that one...I should take a look....

  6. I love HAPS colorway. Oh it will be so cozy. Beautiful flowers. just stunning


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....