Saturday, June 17, 2017

Stitch by Stitch

 I wanted to knit a baby washcloth yesterday-I spent more than half a day looking for this pink cotton yarn!  When I found it and the pattern (Daisy Stitch Washcloth)  I got to work.  I wasn't seeing the pattern and felt a bit frustrated when I turn it over to the side I thought was the back and paid attention to the return row....
 and here was where all the goodness showed!  The pattern isn't a thrill to knit but it is an easy remember and has good results so I will finish it up today, I hope!
 I couldn't wait another minute to cast on this pair of socks last night!  And then when I got to the pattern section of the chart to add white-I wasn't happy with the natural I have and so I will wait and order white to go with this!  Delays....
 I am plugging along on the foot which is going on way too long! lol  The pattern is a joy and since the bottom of the foot is stockinette, it is moving along very well, it's just that I only get so much uninterrupted knit time!!!!
Look who was taking her morning bath in the sunshine!  She looks small in this pic but she is already larger than another of our little runts but she is still the sweetest little kitty Lena!


  1. That is a very pretty pattern for the dishcloth.

    At your enabling....I bought some yarn for the Gladys. I just need to finish up a few things before casting that one on.

    Oh Little Lena ..............could she BE any cuter!!! I just want to snuggle that little kitty.

  2. I love that dishcloth pattern. Lots of knubbies!! Your kitty in the sunpatch......they are so so cute that way.

  3. I love the texture on the washcloth. It's going to be very efficient!
    Lena looks so comfy. I get such joy at looking at all the kitties I have rescued all curled up and sleeping peacefully.

  4. Three great knitting projects: nice job.

    Lena has a great idea - a sun patch is a good place to nap.

  5. Sweet Lena! So nice to see her. The projects are fun and all so different from each other...very interesting. Long feet...a curse. 😉

  6. Lena is so lovely! I hope you enjoy the sock pattern!

  7. Looks like you have been very busy. I am starting another shawl this afternoon, I can't wait!

  8. I love your choice of sock patterns. I think I will try the Gladys next. It looks great.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....