My quilting buddy, Mary, invited me into a trip to the soon-to-close JoAnn's store, about an hour away. I didn't really feel like going but I did want to pick up a few backing and background fabrics
so I pushed myself per doctor orders.
Off we went-I haven't been there in more than 6 months!
On the way, we saw this sight--very unusual for us--it's a rather grand pile of rocks! Some company much closer to the coast must've been doing some construction (digging a foundation) and needed a place to store it before they resold it. Where I live, you can dig more than 100' and never run into a rock but along the coast it is a different story. The pile is 100' long and about 50' high--
a really big pile of very large boulders!
The fabric supply was fine at the closing store. I found just what I had written down to purchase but as for notions; very slim pickings!!! The lines were atrocious--easily and hour and a half of our visit was waiting for the cutting counter and then again to cash out! Yikes! It was good to be with my friend but I was exhausted and glad to be back to my bed, too! Let's be honest.