Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Southern Knitter Makes...

I would like to answer a comment question-what do you knit in the south that doesn't have to be sent north because it is too heavy for here?

In the 7 months we have been in Florida, I have enjoyed knitting and fulling bowls (14), knitting shrugs (10)to give those shoulders some protection from the A/C, cellphone/i-pod holders (4), hand spun wool for socks(4), accessory scarves (1) , and not pictured-a sweater set for new baby. And yes, some things went north like shrugs, socks, vests and sweaters for the grand kids and newborn hats (36) that go to Community General Hospital in Syracuse.

So, Jess, the southern knitter needs to answer this question, do I knit sweaters for my children because I can't find any in the stores........or do I need to knit 'cuz I need to knit. Do I need to feel the yarn slip through my fingers, do I need to see how that color will develop, how that pattern will accomplish that; need to see how the same item in a different yarn is completely new and amazing!?

Today we have an incredible selection of yarns to chose from so the southern knitter isn't limited to the heavy wool of outdoor sweaters-bamboo, soy, corn, silk, and tencel-on their own or even blended with merino all make lightweight, ideal for the southern (or anywhere sometime) knitter! Today, I have no limits to what I have available especially because I have the Internet right at my fingertips! My LYS is more than an hour away from me-but any fiber, any time is just a click away! What a great time to be a southern knitter.........hope this encourages you-have a good day-knit today!


  1. Mrs. M., Thank you so much for the answer. You're knitting things I never even thought of and I'm about to look for the ipod holder pattern. (something I need and want so I can listen to my Lauraine Snelling books while I work around the house without banging my mp3 on the dishwasher) I've been working on afghan's for my kids' beds made from Gram Galla's huge stash of yarn. I feel like I've been working on them forever as they are no quick-knit and not the most exciting thing to knit! But because it's her yarn it's worth it, I like to think some of the yarn was meant to be something for them in her yarn buying plans. I've also knitted preemie caps for Shands in Jax. I made Finn a light weight sweater for our 3 months of winter which will look beautiful as soon as his left arm grows longer than his right. (too much talking and too little counting.) Thanks again, for the great ideas.

  2. P.S. One does not need a yarn store near by to have a yarn procuring habit. My stash is now taking up three dresser drawers in my sewing room.

  3. ...and your southern daughter and grandchildren enjoy the products of your southern knitting! We all always anxiously await the next creation...


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.