This morning while Abigail played on the computer..........

I taught David how to play clock solitaire. He caught on immediately and we almost won it the second time around-one card off! It was so funny to see his tension/excitement as the king's pile grew!
We packed a picnic lunch to get ready to go to a friend's pond for a swim. Grandpa went into town to register the boat and took a bit longer than planned but we got off for our adventure finally! Neither of the kids hesitated to go into the water because everyone else was already in so they just joined right away. The water temperature was great-even I got right in! This is what all the kids were doing so David did, too...............ready, set, go!

Maybe I should have started out with Abigail's activity first

to ease you into the kid's swimming activities! We put the swimmies on right after the picture; she got into the water too quickly but I came running with the camera and the swimmies......it is a faster pace than I am used to and I am out of practice but catching up quickly! Abigail was quite bold-traveling around the swim area and even trying the kayak and hitching a ride on Grandpa's back.

An afternoon storm blew up fast and we made a run for the house. We had a slight change of plans for the picnic but the food and company was just as fine indoors! The kids played for an hour and when the rain let up, we left for home amid many protestations of very good logic...
While eating we got a very important call from Caleb-he is now the proud Assistant Manager of the Lake City, FL, Sherwin Williams Store! Yes, it means a move and quite a few changes but this is quite the honor for a number of hurdles have been set aside to promote him to this position. We thank you , Lord.
When we got the mail back home-there was two very welcome postcards from Dad and Mom!(Grateful for both postcards to be there and you know how it would have played out if they weren't!)
For dinner hotdogs , macaroni salad, potatoes and deviled eggs rounded out the picnic theme; baths and the ending of Princess Bride which was a perfect fit for these two-a princess for Abigail and a sword fight for David; then on to prayers and bed! Whew!