Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I am woman; I change my mind........I loved making the blocks for the Mystery Quilt for Christmas so when we went to town yesterday, I bought some more of the same fabric and will make the lap quilt into a big quilt! Sometimes, you don't want a good thing to end but you can't do anything to continue the goodness...........well, this time I can! Got all the pieces cut out last night, will be sewing today!

Making great headway on the quilt on the frame, about half way done it when a plan works out!
Finished the first sock-pattern from Favorite Socks--the one I changed all around except for the lace pattern!..............handspun yarn, superwash from The SheepShedStudio. It is quite thick on the number 1 needles, but will hold up to the cold floor times ahead. (I know, cold is relative...)
I am more than 1/2 done on the second sock...........I am always faster on the second one because I have worked out all the decisions and it almost knits itself! Good notes on the first sock is essential so you can remember what you did the first time!
Bill has pretty much been immobilized with his back being out of whack. He does a lot of heating pad and yesterday did a little of this.......sowing the rye seed so we will have lawn this winter! The grass that flourishes all summer, goes dormant for the winter so if you want green you have to have a different kind than we have now............when all the construction is done, we will put in the more expensive kind but it is definitely a future expense. For now, the rye makes it through the winter so green and pretty until it dies and nourishes the ground for the summer grass to come back in the late Spring. So many new things to learn here-it is wonderful!


  1. Perfect quilting pattern on K's quilt -- I love it!

  2. I love the quilting on the star! It is beautiful!

  3. Wow! Hand-quilting! I've done a good bit of machine quilting, but haven't tried any hand quilting other than one block as practice from a class. It looks so pretty.

    Nice to see pictures of Caleb and Matthew. I pray Bill's back is better soon.

  4. I have been trying to learn how to knit on DPN and have finally fiqured it out.I can't wait to try to knit a pair of socks.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....