Saturday, November 15, 2008

PS to Solitude

Here is the treasures Bill bought at the auction-a back hoe attachment for the tractor and a sprayer attachment.........for the tractor. Are we seeing a pattern here?!

Here are the pics for Karen's Kaleidescope quilt.........didn't she do an excellent job?!

This is a close-up of the block quilting......

I tried a new to me technique for the large blocks (16 1/2") for this quilt . I divided the block into workable passes for my short-arm quiting system (6" passes) and it became a very workable choice to get a long-arm look on our machines. This is the pattern.....

and for the border area I used a stencil and free motion to echo the block lines for a traditional quilt line- This is a bug picture for my grandchildren.

Oh, the sweater for David looks like this as of last night.....

and looks like this, this morning! No, I didn't put the order of the pics wrong. I had to rip out the whole thing. The drape of the sweater was way too stiff and when I got to the 'divide for sleeves' part I could see that it was too narrow--two strikes and it was out! Bill was teasing me for ripping it out; no, there was very little hesitation on my part to rip out 3 hours work--it just wasn't right and it can be. I think this is what separates the novices from the experts; not just experience but the fortitude to know that ripping out whether it is knitting (read about blog friend, Wool Enough) or in the quilting realm (read about ColdFeetQuilter, another blog friend) where it takes days to correct a mistake--a novice will quit and an expert will bite the bullet and make the corrections. This is a lesson that my Mom and time has taught me. It serves me well!


  1. One addition to your funny-but-true comments on what separates a novice from an experienced one...a novice either quits or gives it to her mother to fix! :)

  2. Love the quilt,the bug and the backhoe!
    Your knitting looks like it has a fresh new start :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I'm still waiting for the picture of Dad's booty (in yesterday's post, you promised a picture of that today), though it surprises me that you'd be posting that on the internet.

    Your loving son-in-law
    (sorry, couldn't pass that one up.)

  5. Hmm! And how many times do I have to tink or frog this lace? I'm an "expert" so fixing it must be!

  6. Ahem, I thought there was to be a dishwasher purchase before anymore tractor implements...


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....