Friday, November 14, 2008


Early this morning Bill left with his truck and trailer to go to an auction. He had an idea of what he was looking for and off he went! I will post his booty tomorrow!

I enjoyed a day of solitude!!!! I think this is one of my character traits that is hardest for my husband to accept about me. I enjoy being with people - don't get me wrong, but I do need times of solitude to recharge my batteries; talking a lot seems to zap my mental strength and so today I have restored myself for I spoke very few words.......a visit from my neighbor-an update on her goats and to drop off another quilt top for me to quilt-I mainly listened to her so that didn't require a lot of words; and an important phone call from my daughter-a doctor's report so I needed to listen here, too. See-when I expel less than a thousand words, I am recharged!
.......and finishing tons of projects adds to the energy!
I cleaned house, did morning chores and laundry and then washed my alpaca skeins of yarn so that the twist is set for knitting-I have the shawl pattern all picked out-more on that when I get started.
I blocked the second sock. See the happy pair!

I finished Karen's quilt-will hang it for your visual pleasure tomorrow and get a pic then I loaded Millie's quilt on the frame 'cuz it looked empty without anything on it! (And Peggy, it is not hand-quilting I am doing, but machine quilting on a frame-it is a short-arm machine and frame by Viking.

I sewed the blocks together for the first enlarged Christmas quilt.....will sew it together and add borders tomorrow. Cut out another quilt; a praise quilt from a panel that Marsel bought at the Quilt show (and that I ordered from on-line as soon as I got to her house cuz I regreted not buying one after all!) She has banned me from posting ahead of her so you will be seeing that in the future! I bought 2 panels-one for me and one for a gift for Christmas and I think I am going to buy more--the gift went together so nicely that I am not done--I picked a large print from my stash and added some ' looks like a solid' fat quarters to match and wow-it is good.
Made a quilt label for the GI quilt that several of us worked on together-I will sew it on tomorrow and get that in the mail on Monday.

I watched the shuttle launch-it is cloudy out but there was a break just big enough for me to see it! Amazing event every time.

Time to do some more knitting on a sweater for my grandson .....using my handspun wool for this...........and watch the Wizard of Oz on tv. Great end for a great day.

See how many words I have to blog with!


  1. You've been busy! I like to see all of your projects. I can't wait to see what your husband got at the auction.
    I LOVE days all to myself. I like being alone,not talking, not hearing the noise of other people. I could be a long as I can have fabric delivered ;) I have fun with people but it is never my first choice of something to do. :o

  2. Sounds like a perfectly delightful day. And that alpaca yarn looks scrumptious!

  3. Glad you got a recharge day -- and so much to show for it, as always!

  4. I, too, like to recharge in solitude and quiet. I was going to say silence but I do like some soft gentle music in the background.

    Talking is my life so I need more quiet than most [I don't get it, just crave it!]


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....