Saturday, November 1, 2008

Success for the Garage Sale!

No pictures of our 'junk' but we did make a great day of our yard sale: lots of sales, good conversation and we got rid of many 'treasures'! We even had plenty of well wishes from people who drive by every day and have watched the progress of the addition to the house! Fun.

I sat and knitted on Abigail's gator scarf--it is finished! Will send it off in the mail on Monday.

The best part of the day........Bill loaded up the rest of the stuff in his truck to go to the thrift store-it is not coming back into our space! I am so proud of him-this is a major step for someone who belongs to PackRatAnonymous!


  1. Yee-haw! Definitely cause for celebration. :)

  2. Hey, I'm a member of pack rats anonymous too!!
    Don't ya just love Bunny Hill - she is SO nice! I enjoy seeing her at every market.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. The gator scarf is adorable. Great yarn choice. That is definitely a girl gator.

  4. Oo! Oo! I belong to the same club! :-(

  5. Good for you! I need to get some energy & ambition & start purging before I grow too old & my poor kids end up having the task!

    I love your gator scarves. Very cute!


Thanks for taking the time to let me know you stopped by to read my blog! If you can't get the blog to accept a comment-email me! If you don't have a blog yourself, use my email so I can then email you back-I love to respond to those who leave comments! Thanks!


I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....