Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Weave...........

I weave, therefore I am. Did I mention I really love my new loom? It was satisfying every step of the way! I will re-warp it today for the next project!
What is on my needles today?

Also, I am teaching Mom how to knit the magic loop way for socks. We took a trip to visit my Aunt, a 3 hour trip south of here. Her son is here visiting for the winter, and her daughter and grand daughter live nearby so we had a nice family get together! Dad drove and so Mom and I got in a lot of knitting time! She wasn't too impressed with our last sock lesson years ago and wanted to revisit the sock phenomena and now she is loving it!
Today is lesson two and we turn a short row heel! I am so proud of her. I will picture you later with her progress!
On my quilting frame is my table runner; Mom finished hers and that is also on my picture list!
We finished our felted bowls.............what a nice souvenir for our time together this winter.
A recent purchase from an Etsy shop..........a stained glass drop spindle. It is so light it took a bit of getting used to but I found that park and draft works best with this little beauty and so it will be something I will use on car trips! (We head to Georgia next week so I will let you know how it works!) Stained glass work is one of the handcrafts that is still on my 'learn to do' list. I bought this as a reminder of what I could make when.............


  1. There, now I feel "in touch" again -- it's always so nice to see what you've been working on -- all lovely as always...

  2. #1 - I adore the table runner that's on the quilt frame and secretly think it should be mine. #2 - I need to see this weaving in action; doesn't your new camera do video? #3 - I understand your need to spindle in the car but are the cats coming with you? #4 - I like ALL the pretty felted bowls in your house and someday I will knit myself some. #5 - Since Marsel will have to lie about while you're in GA, MAKE her knit and finish something, just a small something. No matter how old she is you are her mother and can force her to.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.