Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Temporarily Out of Blogland...

I do not like to read blogs without pictures so I feel like I can't write one without pics either!

I am in Georgia at my daughter and sil's for a few days so please be patient for me to return and if you pray, would you do so for Marsel as she is facing surgery on Thursday. Thanks!

Nyki travelled well-she spent most of the time curled up on my shoulder Polly Parrot style but she didn't get sick or meow the whole 8 hours so we are grateful! Bling was his usual blissfully catatonic traveller........we had a nice trip up-light traffic for a change!

It is wonderful to see the kids and to celebrate Abigail's birthday(5!).........she has made a major growth spurt emotionally and mentally as well as the physical changes. It is beyond great to see it in person.

I will beg pics from Marsel tomorrow and show you what I made for A's birthday.


  1. I prefer in-person even to nice pictures on the blog! :)

  2. Boy, I'm surprised you read my blog at all - long waffly writing without pictures! I'm an English teacher, I deal in words, sorry! LOL


Thanks for taking the time to let me know you stopped by to read my blog! If you can't get the blog to accept a comment-email me! If you don't have a blog yourself, use my email so I can then email you back-I love to respond to those who leave comments! Thanks!


The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...