Friday, August 28, 2009

Hunting and Homemaking

We had to run to Daytona yesterday ,so of course we went to the beach. The waves are big and there are warnings not to go out into the surf but it doesn't stop very many people!

The birds were unimpressed by the weather! Danny is kicking up the waves and making for some overcast weather but the temps are still in the 90's.
I finished the pair of socks I started last week (Diagonal Lace by Wendy Johnson). They are a blend of wool/bamboo/nylon and they are so light and soft! The break from the shawl knitting is over and I worked about a 1/2" last night.
This morning we went to pick up some CraigsList furniture Bill found. I had pretty strict guidelines and he found one that fit all the criteria! (chocolate brown, distressed leather-look microfiber, 4 recliners, looks like new) He is a good hunter/gatherer!!
The new/old furniture will go in the existing family room while the old/new sectional will be going into the new room. (I hope you followed that!) For now, it is stacked out of the way in the spare room until we get the addition sheetrocked! Nyki knew what to do with the furniture mountain! I worked to thread the new warp on the loom. It is a lot of work to warp! There are 206 ends that have to be threaded in the reed and then each into their own heddles according to the pattern........see the small stripe of navy blue? They do not have their own heddles-as I got ready to wind it on the beam I saw that I had left 4 threads out of the pattern. I had to walk away and will face the remedial warping tomorrow.........when I have a better attitude.


  1. Good luck with the remedial warping! It's good to step away at times like that!

    The socks look great and the yarn sounds wonderful too!

    Great furniture find! I'm sure it will all be enjoyed once construction settles down.

    The remnants of Danny are headed this way today. Lots of rain is mostly what we can far it's been raining overnight. But the heavy rain will be later today.


  2. The new furniture is beautiful!

    The warping issue...yuck! Wish we could pop over to help -- we'd have lots of laughs along the way...!

  3. Things always look better in the morning.....


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.