Saturday, June 23, 2012

Favorite Georgian Visitors

 Marsel and the kids came for a week's visit!  I have been pampered and loved all week-it has been wonderful to have their help and company!  The kids enjoyed the pool time while we spent a lot of time in the sewing room.  Marsel set up a rest area for me in the corner so I could knit and read and keep her company!
 Marsel brought the quilt she has been working on for Abigail's room and worked on getting it quilted .
Nyki helps so you don't skip a stitch.......
 Matthew and Ashley came for a visit and we went out for pizza.  (My foot is still in the air cast here.) 
 Later in the week, Caleb and Cassandra and her sister came for a visit, too.  (By the end of the week , I am out of the air cast!   Marsel is a very good charge nurse though very strict! )
 I am making progress on my knitted lace scarf.
 Later in the week, Marsel and I worked through the pile of fabric for Krystle's nursery-the crib sheets , valances and crib skirt are finished and mailed and now I will be doing the appliques for the comforter!
 Marsel brought this quilt for me to work on-her friend made it for her grandmother-isn't it beautiful!?!
We got it loaded on the frame so I can begin work on the quilting on Monday.
 Yesterday was Bill's birthday-nice to get to share it with the kids!
Here is a glimpse of the quilt Marsel quilted.  The edge will be scalloped so she has some binding work when she gets home but the quilt is well on its way to done.

And I am well on my way to walking normal-the foot is finally getting back to normal proportions!  Thank you to Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy and her assistants!


  1. Happy birthday Bill - isn't it funny that his and WM's birthday are just a few days apart?

    Glad you had a great visit and that your nurse was strict. But you must have tired her out - she's sitting down to quilt her beautiful project! There is standing room only at our quilting frame!

  2. a belated happy birthday to your husband - and I am sure you all had a great time with the family! even though I am not sure that quilting with a cat on the lap is the easiest way to do it:) and that pastel quilt is very pretty - I'd have liked that in my room as a kid!

  3. So glad that we were able to come and boss you around -- uh, I mean help you out! ;) I love you very much and hope you're at 100% soon.

    Lynne -- I am too tall to stand at the quilting frame -- I can't see the top half of the area I am quilting if I stand up!

  4. What a lovely quilt Marsel did. Is it an Irish Chain?

    Glad your foot is out of the cast.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.