Friday, June 8, 2012

Little by Little

 It took me several days to cut out all this fabric for my grand daughter-to-be's nursery.  I utilized muscles that have been dormant to save my foot from doing its job!  I did most of this while sitting flat on the floor, measuring and cutting and bending........uff da!
But the good news is that everything is cut out and there was enough fabric for all the desired components!
 I tried to do some spinning but it is just too painful for my foot still.  So, some more one footed spinning which is awkward but it produces yarn!  This is 45 yards of polypay yarn-a first for me but a delightful spin!
 The new cat is warming up to her surroundings.......
she has even participated in the role of inspector; knitting still fills most of my sitting hours!


  1. Yeah for nursery preparations! What all will you be making?

  2. Uff Da. Where have I heard that before? My sister for one. You have a very lucky grand daughter. What all are you making for her? I love the color of the yarn your knitting with!

  3. You just can't help yourself, can you? Find a good book and rest!

  4. Can't wait to see Aria's fabrics in person!

    Pretty new kitty...she sure seems to have made herself right at home!

  5. I love the markings on the new cat. She looks so comfy!

    The Polypay did spin up nicely. I can't wait to try mine.

    With all you sew and knit, your new granddaughter is going to be one lucky kid!


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