Monday, August 12, 2013

Oh, .......K!

 Who says Florida doesn't have Kangaroos?!!
 Kalanchoe or mother of many since each leaf develops 50 babies.......this plant multiplies!
(The best part of this tall plant who some might call invasive but not me...
 is that it attracts butterflies-hundreds of them! This plant is 5' tall right now!)
 If you look closely, you can see a sulphur butterfly on the bloom.
 Key.  Keyhole.  Knob.
 This is a pair of socks for my grandson who's feet have passed mine already in length!
My Kindle!

(Check out the other entries on Benita's blog.)


  1. shocking, I'd have said that knitting takes first place:) and I have one of those kalanchoes... or rather I used to have one - by now I have at least 2-3 babies in every pot that is close enough!

  2. Can't wait to see what you photography and post for. L.

  3. You did better than "OK"! I lived in FL a while back and the "Kangeroo Express" made me smile!

  4. We call that porter weed and I love it too because the butterflies love it

  5. Well, that is a funny place to find a kangaroo!

    We grew koala chose once but they didn't fit in with the style of garden we have here: Australian natives in front, Japanese inspired pink, purple and white garden in back.

    You did well to find so many things starting with K!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.