Saturday, August 3, 2013

Soapy Saturday

 I made another batch of soap-a half batch using up the supplies left over from last week.   I added some citrus scent to this one.   I cut my time to less than an hour because I knew what I was doing this time!  My only 'goof' was not having the mold set right for the small batch so the bars were cut shallow instead of and learn!
 These are big bath bars.  They will have to dry for a week at least!
 Our date palms are all in fruit!  As they ripen, they fall to the ground.
 Aren't they pretty?  These are good to eat, to dry and to make into jelly.
You have to race the squirrels to get them from the ground!


  1. dates in the garden - that would be my DH's dream:) without squirrels here he could gulp them all up himself! well, we have to make do with blueberries, not too bad either:)

  2. The dates are pretty -- is it just me or has the Dad vs. Squirrel battle resulted in more fruit for you this year?

  3. We don't have squirrels in Australia but I guess anyone growing fruit has the same issue with possums! What citrus scent did you use in the soaps?

  4. I would love this recipe, too.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!