Saturday, January 25, 2014


 Bill and my Dad are working in the train house (where my parents stay for the winter, just down the road from us!)  This room was paneled way back in the day and it has dry rotted and crumbled so they are replacing all the paneling with insulation and sheet rock; one wall at a time so as to not disrupt the living quarters too much!  They have one wall finished now!
 Mom has been busy with her piecing and has the main portion of the quilt top assembled and we cut out the borders so she has those to put on now.
 Dad and Mom found this book shelf at a flea market and now their winter book selection has a proper home1
 Will had a wonderful time exploring the train house-Mom and I had a workout following after him!
(He and his mom have been visiting for a few days-I am on another course of meds and feeling a grand improvement-his mom arrived with another round of sickness and we sent her to the doctors which is why we had Will duty!)
 I finished the cowl out of the left over skein of superwash I had spun.
It is blocked and drying and ready to be worn!


  1. oh man, nobody could resist that smile:) and your cowl looks lovely, very organic, like a tree trunk with moss on it! I hope you're better soon - and stay better as well! happy knitting in the meantime!
    (and I envy your parents for having a winter house in a warmer climate - I could do with one just now:)

  2. Never a dull moment with you guys!1 Love that quilt Janette! Have I read all the books in that bookcase?? LOL Hope you feel better Cindy. Have you read any books by Francine Rivers??Read a couple good ones here in the library. Sharon

  3. Even illness can't keep you down, can it? Always on the go -- you, Bill, your parents, and little Will!

  4. Oooo, I love the variegation of the handspun. I am taking a class at the end of March to spin self striping yarn. I know how, but am looking for more info and thought it sounded interesting.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!