Friday, July 25, 2014

TDF 2014 Day 19 And More...

 The next truckload of mulch finished the front yard!
 The whole porch is finally planted and mulched-it looks just like I always knew it could!
 All 80 feet of porch is now presentable! Yay!
And the live oak tree is perked up with the mulch!
 You can tell it is in full Summer mode when you start spotting these guys-they are huge;  5" of grasshopperness!
There is no bird or animal that will eat these pests!  They stink terrible when you kill them.  A job  for the faint of heart-NOT!
 I have another skein of Alpaca finished!
 This is the longest skein I have ever spun-it is 623 yards!
I labeled it until it comes up in the knitting queue!
 Look who came for a visit!  Matthew, Ashley and Will came for a weekend visit!  Last night we went for an evening swim in the very warm pool to unwind and then outside just before Will's bedtime for some excitement...
 There was a mini firework show!  OOOOOOOhhhhh!
Ahhhh!  Wonderful!  Will was a bit nervous and hung on to his Mom really hard but after each one he whispered, "More....!"


  1. I suppose the "fire in the sky" can be a bit frightening at his age, but what excitement:) I love those big eyes with kids watching something like that! and the alpaca is gorgeous, I am looking forward to seeing it worked into a big, cushy shawl! we only have grashoppers occasionally - but I didn't know that they stink! with only rare visits there's no need to kill them, and I wouldn't be able to get close enough to catch a scent with live ones....

  2. Wowie...that's a lot of alpaca! I can't believe I never thought of labeling my skeins. Very clever!
    Your yard looks lovely. Mine is a shaggy mess. Somehow it all got away from us this year.

  3. 80 feet of porch? What luxury!

    the alpaca is divine!

    The grasshoppers - really, five inches? We used to use the little guys for fish bait. Bet you could catch some big bass which yours!

    I love the image of young will whispering, "More."

  4. Well done -- fireworks are notoriously difficult to photograph!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....