Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Hops and Skips

Friends stopped by on Monday and we had an impromptu picnic.                               
Abigail's cast is removed here at home so she has just about 24 hours without it before the next cast is placed on again.  This keeps atrophy at bay! 
Today, we left bright and early for a mold to be taken of her leg by the orthopaedic orthotics guy.
Then we went to her new casting appointment.  As you see, Abigail is pretty cool about the whole medical scene! 
On the way home, we stopped at Best Buy to buy a case for my laptop.  The price was enough to make me pause.  We came home and made one and even made a pouch for the charger. 
As experienced as I am at sewing, might I mention that this case almost beat me.  I couldn't figure out how to make this lined envelope;  I kept getting a place mat and once I even got a mobius place mat!  lol  We persevered and now I have tons of happy memories associated with this case and it was from Marsel's stash!


  1. If laughter is the best medicine, then we are in great health after that project!!! What a memory!

    Thanks for trucking all over N/NE metro Atlanta with us today. :)

  2. What a terrific smile. Granddaughter is amazing!
    That's a fab cover. Very chic.

  3. She's amazing cast on and off!

  4. Abigail's smile says ....yeah! I GOT THIS! (She's a cutie pie)

    Your laptop pocket turned out great!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....