Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Breaking UP

Bill enjoyed Kai and encouraged our cat, Stormy, to like being groomed by him!
The bird was happy, the cat not so much!
When the sun came out, Cassandra and I decided to break some dishes!
I've had the itch to work with some mosaic creativity for a while and we took the first steps.
After perusing Pintrest for a bit, we came back to earth and decided to keep it basic and see what we could do. 
Bill found a box of these ivy dishes months ago and I saved them for just such a project.
After breaking up the plate and adding a few tiles, this is the design I decided on.
(It was very good therapy to break the dishes!)
This one is Cassandra's.  We were able to use the tile adhesive to keep all the pieces in place.
On her next visit in two weeks, we will grout the pottery to the cement landscaping stone so it can then be used as a stepping stone!
And yes, it was very satisfying to do this.  Some projects I feel I was glad I tried it and once is enough;  this was just an entrance to many more advanced works ahead!
On the knitting front,, I am still working on the MKAL shawl but it doesn't look much different so I won't keep posting it.  When the kids were here, I didn't knit on the shawl too often because it required a LOT of attention to each stitch.  A pair of socks fits just right into my hands for knitting time like this and it almost happens without me being there!
This is a pair for my first grandchild, David, who no longer has little boy feet but rather the feet of a man and I doubt they are done growing as he is almost 14!  
Even a boy/man still needs Grandma Socks!
I am using my Superwash Merino hand spun yarn with a 60 stitch foot count on #2 needles.  


  1. Your mosaic work is really beautiful. Who knew that a box of old plates could be so cool! Grandson is going to love those socks. Handknit socks are one thing but handspun socks are a whole other level of good!

  2. I always wanted to break dishes! lol It does sound like good therapy! And, when you can turn the results into something pretty, that's even better! :-)

  3. I can see why you want to do more mosaics. Those turned out really well.
    It's so nice that a 14-year-old appreciates Grandma's handknit socks!

  4. Great socks!!!! I love the look of mosaic

  5. The look on the cat is priceless. That yarn is knitting up so beautifully. I have a lovely mosaic/tile/plate mirror frame like that in my bathroom my MIL gave me. I love it very much.

  6. Such a pretty, pretty sock!

    I'm not sure Giroux could be that close to a bird without making a lunge for it. Your kitty is very well behaved!

  7. Poor Stormy! Lol

    When I told David I needed to measure his foot, he replied, "For Grandma-socks?! YES!!!" :)

    The mosaics look like lots of fun!

  8. Mr Pringles would not sit still on my arm with a bird (aka edible:) so close to him! or I'd end up looking like I fought a tiger if I tried to hold on to him!:) but it's true - DS doesn't wear anything handknitted anymore - anything but handknitted socks that is
    (by me, my mother stopped knitting some time back). enjoy your willing "victims" - it's nice to have your work appreciated!

  9. I took mosaic classes for eight weeks. I had grand ideas but when it came down to it, mosaics are a craft I'm glad I've tried but don't plan to do again (along with decoupage)!


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