Thursday, January 14, 2016

I'm Here....

 Some naughty fat cat tried to hammock the newly loaded quilt and they popped all the pins!  There were bent pins all over the floor, quilt and deck of the frame.  I was not happy.
I loaded it back onto the front roller and then had to advance the quilt even though it is not quilted yet just to protect that edge!  The top is also folded up so it isn't near the floor so they don't nest on it!
Sometimes it is a testy balance of values between me and my kitties! 
Just before I had to leave for another bothersome MS doctor, I managed to squeeze out a test block for the new RSC2016.  This block is not going in the quilt;  it is just to help me get familiar with what is going on.   I used the Accuquilt dies and I have some adjustments to make because as is, the block will be 12" and I need 9".  It was a good way to focus on something besides health!
On the way to Jacksonville, I knit on the portable project, one of two little hats I am making for some grands-this is the light reactive yarn!  I opened my door when we pulled in the parking lot and let th sun turn the white yarn into a very pretty sky blue! 
At rest, the colorwork is white but the minute the hat hits the outdoors sunshine, it will pop blue!
This is for Eli and if he leaves it on, it will keep him warm on our windy, chilly winter beach day! 
It is knit with the gray a dk weight yarn from Hobby Lobby. 
We are in a cold snap-even freezing in the night which is so miserable for our flowers.
I put on my wools for church tonight-the Zuzu's Petal cowl and even though it doesn't show here, I have on the wristers to match.  I was warm enough for a change!
(On a funny note, I looked at this pic and thought, when did I start to look so much like my sister?!
She has longer hair but if she cut it, we could be twins!  I know we are very alike on the inside but this was a funny jolt to me looking at this!)


  1. Brrrr.....we are all in the deep freeze it seems but it is nice to get out the woolies. I'm am also having kitty issues with a project. Blocking a big sweater all in pieces is not fun. My kitties keep pulling out the pins and trying to sleep on the wet sweater. #^$&%*@ That's what I have to say about it.
    At least you are looking like a sister. I am becoming a dead ringer for a departed aunt who looked like a cross between a hobbit and a hamster. Ugh..

  2. Cats. They just have no respect. Zuzu's petals... great name for a cowl! Very pretty.

  3. Family genes are so interesting to me. Your cowl is just so beautiful

  4. I used to laugh about people with textile problems due to cat "visits" - not anymore! ever since DS brought home a kitten he found at the side of the road a few weeks ago nothing yarney is safe anymore. I took to putting all the knitting and yarn balls into bags, but the second I forget to put the knitting away - the balls (including the knitting attached to it) are fair game, grrrh:( sock yarn with angora seems to be especially attractive! unfortunately kittens (like toddlers) are not only annoying, but also very charming - it's hard to be mad at them for long!
    and I hope the frosty time doesn't kill all your lovely plants - I'd miss all those fiery coloured pix in your blog! enjoy the woollies while the cold snap lasts!

  5. The cowl is gorgeous! I've made that before, need to keep it in mind when I have the perfect skein of yarn for one.

  6. Pretty quilt on the long arm. Very pretty knitted items. It is really cold here and the hat would feel really good.

  7. I've never heard of light reactive yarn! What will they think of next?


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