Tuesday, January 26, 2016


It's so much fun to knit for Ella, she loves to wear what you make!  This is the hat with the color-change yarn accents and the sweater is made by my Mom!
Ella pulled the hat down over her eyes so she could see it change color!  Too cute! 
Eli will tolerate the hat for a bit.  He prefers no clothes.  It is work to keep them on him! 
But give him chocolate and you have a friend for life!
We heated up to 65* and the sunshine was WARM and not biting!  It was wonderful to be outside with them!


  1. Oh your photos are just a delight. It is 32 degrees here with rainy/sleet. ugh

  2. I miss having the kids to knit for. I covered them in handknits. I still have most of them. The Grands-not so much. DIL likes her designer duds not handmade things. :(
    We've got mild temps here again. YAY!!!! Nothing makes me feel older than snow. I'm not as young as I used to be when it comes to this shoveling thing. I still can't move.

  3. Ella's adorable in her knits and it's even better that she loves to wear them. Keep that kid ! ;)

    And really so many friendships have been forged over a good piece of chocolate, right?

  4. Those two are just so delicious! <3

    Love the knits, too.

  5. Obviously Eli enjoys chocolate with his WHOLE face! Such a cutie pie.

    Little Miss Ella looks so pretty in her new knits.

  6. Ben's first comment when he got home from his first day of school was, "can I take my shoes off now?" He really doesn't like wearing shoes and big heavy school shoes are the pits! But it's sports uniform day tomorrow so he'll have lighter weight joggers instead.


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