Saturday, January 9, 2016

Savoring a Saturday

I didn't have an easy time piecing these three little clamshells but I will be an expert once I  finish these!  Let's just say that there is a learning curve! 
Since  today was not a great day health-wise, I wasn't up to hard sewing so I loaded up the RainbowScrapChallenge quilt from 2015 onto the frame.  It went without a hitch all 8' by 10' of this quilt!  I will tackle the actual quilting later on!
I went to the recliner early today and did some knitting;  the Blue Faced Leicester socks are finished!
I made the leg extra long and rued that decision on the second sock but I stuck it out and now I have a pair of socks for a chilly winter night.
(280 yards of two-ply fingering weight yarn dyed and spun by moi!
The first pair for the new year.)


  1. You are going to love those socks. I like them extra long myself. I'm very surprised that it was as cold as it was as far south as I was last week. I never had a day when I didn't wear my sweatshirt and wool socks.

  2. The socks look great. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Those simple socks are just awesome!

  4. Excited to see how the quilting will complement the beauty of the rainbow quilt!

  5. You did pretty well for a less than healthy health day! I am in love with that rainbow scrap quilt and the socks are just lovely. As for the clam shell pieces and the "learning curve" that was pretty punny!

  6. The fabric in the clamshells is gorgeous!

  7. Ooo, that RSC quilt looks fabulous! The socks look toasty warm.


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