Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Little Renovation Required!

I was gifted this little crafter's tote from my cousin.  She takes classes at her LQS and when she went for her ta-da moment, she realized she had sewn this upside down. 
I had to take the binding off each side...all four miles of binding with little stitches.
Then I sewed it all back together and guess what?!  I sewed it all wrong.  I almost quit.
But the other side was apart, too, so I stuck with it and I am so glad I did!
What's a few hours of my time.  I'm retired! 
The inside has room for gadgets and knitting needles, 
And see through areas so you can see what is where. 
The whole middle section can be removed so it can store a project for on the go!
  It will conveniently hold quite a large portion of my knitting supplies.
                         Now that it is right side up, I can see it going on my next trip or car ride!


  1. Way to stick to will be worth it when you get to use it! :)

  2. Good for you! It does look handy....and very complicated.

  3. good to know that I am not the only one, who puts things together upside down:) and I like the cheerful colours of the fabric - and plenty of storage, a good thing to have!

  4. I love it as is! ! How wonderful a great craft gift!

  5. Looks like it was well worth the work. I love the see-through areas. That will be perfect for all those small knitting tools.


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