Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Slow Days in Georgia

The flip-flop/yoga sock are completed.  The heel being absent keeps the rest of the sock in position better than the pair I knit without the toes only.  These are very comfortable and even for sleeping because they are not too warm!  I will be using more leftover sock yarn for additional pairs! 
David and I built a 'whack-a-mole' shoebox to play with the cats;  we glued a mousie on the end of a pencil to poke through the hole.  It was fun! 
Felix, their manx cat, is such a sweet boy.  He likes to visit with the goldfish several times a day.
This is on the end table by my recliner so I enjoy the show! 
The clematis is in bloom!   Why don't  I have one of these plants?  I think I will be adding one to a beautiful bamboo trellis when I get home!


  1. Good point -- get one or two or five clematis! I love them. You might even get two bloom cycles each year because of your long growing season...and their post-bloom form is beautiful, too!

  2. Good point -- get one or two or five clematis! I love them. You might even get two bloom cycles each year because of your long growing season...and their post-bloom form is beautiful, too!

  3. lovely pink! I only have "wild" clematis, small flowers, but pretty as well. and I love the seed heads, they look like fluffy mad hairdos:) the boxgame for the cat is a good idea - I just need a longer poker than a pencil - because our cat likes to "hit with a vengeance":) aka - keep your fingers away as far as possible or you literally get skinned:)

  4. I had a beautiful clematis that grew up my lamp post at my old house. Everyone stopped to admire it.
    Cute socks! That reminds me I need to dig out my flip flops.

  5. Congrats on the finish. The flip-flop socks are very cute.

    Felix looks like HE is enjoying the show for sure.

  6. I love the wack a mole idea! Have to make one for my kitties


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!