Sunday, October 9, 2016

Post-Hurricane Matthew

I did all this while watching the hurricane out my window! 
The driveway and yard are all covered with branches and spanish moss. 
Only one tree is down and that isn't near the house! 
In fact, the neighbor's son came over and helped move it out of the right-of-way next to me! 
I've worked this much on the front yard. 
The porch is put back in order, too.
I have enough to keep me busy for another week!


  1. So thankful for nothing too serious. Pace yourself with all of the clean-up work, daughter of Dee and Janette! 😀

  2. So glad for God's protection of life, home, and property during the hurricane! And I echo Marsel ... pace yourself on the clean-up.

  3. Oh, the cleanup is never fun it is? We've got a lot of big branches down too thanks to the wind Matthew sent our way today.

  4. Looks like the damage is all manageable. We came through just fine too. The neighbor's fence took a little damage, but that's all for us, thank goodness.

    The wind certainly howled in a scary way in the morning.

  5. LOve your Shawl colors. Great even work for a nervous time in your life! Im out to clear buckthorn with Fireman in a few minutes. Lots of woods work here too just from previous owners neglect....
    I want healthy woods!


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