Saturday, October 1, 2016


Welcome to a new month.  I was welcomed home to this beauty in bloom! 
 Nyki is so hard to photograph-she usually turns the other way-but today she stuck by my side all day;  she was so glad to have me home!
I couldn't believe she looked right at me when I picked up my phone to point it at her and didn't even jump away afterwards!
Dovecote Capelet is on its way to Marsel!
Just in time for nippy mornings for her in Georgia!


  1. That photo of Nyki made me laugh so hard. Cat in a BOWL!!!!! LOL

    The flower is gorgeous! Enjoy! (It is the perfect October ORANGE!)

  2. You should visit me more often just so Nyki lets you take nice pictures of her! 😀 Pretty kitty.

    So excited to wear my capelet -- and the lily is beautiful.

  3. That capelet is adorable. It such a good idea I wonder why I don't have one.

  4. They do tend to hug close to us when we have been away from them. We are getting ready to be separated from our two pups for a bit while we prepare to move. New carpet comes in to the old house on Monday, so they will be moved to my sister's home, in our new city, the following weekend to stay until we move in with her. I am not sure how I will handle it!! Love the capelet, I adore capelets!!

  5. your october is definitely more colourful than ours over here:) well, ok, we have some golds and some reds - but only in leaves by now, nothing in the way of flowers...or maybe I just don't see them anymore? the fuchsias and nasturtium are still giving their best... and the cat in the bowl - the saying if it fits I sits must be true:)

  6. Capelets are so easy to wear! I love them. Yours came out great!

  7. Looks like kitty is happy to have you home!


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