Sunday, October 23, 2016

Turning Nippy!

See, we have the Fall spirit in FL, too! 
I just felt like a Fall dishcloth and so I had a good evening knit in Brioche! 
The tree is a wild cherry which produces no mentionable fruit but it does color on time and beautifully! 
The butterfly quilt is off the frame and this rainbow experiment is on! 
I am having fun doing all different kinds of curves on each of the blocks!


  1. It certainly feels like fall here this morning. It's chilly! Giroux is laying like a loaf with his tail tucked in tightly! LOL

    That rainbow quilt reminds me of the Magic Eye photos where you try to find the hidden picture. The colors are such happy ones.

  2. OMGoodness. That rainbow quilt would have Daddio in quilt heaven. That is just amazing.

  3. I love your brioche . IM all about the wild cherry trees here now that I know what they are! Love yours

  4. So true -- northerners think we don't have season changes, but we southern veterans know that we do -- it's just a little more subtle! That rainbow quilt sure isn't subtle -- but it sure is beautiful!


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