Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Bill got home from his work with the power company during the storm and he brought me this sugar cookie because he missed me!  It is big-5" of cookie big and I ate the whole thing! 
We had a good tour of the property and saw this pine tree down.
More work ahead. 
And half of the Wild Plum tree down.
We will be busy with all the yard clean-up for another week at least! 
Inside, I decided to start the Lighthouse shop hop quilt. 
After figuring out a bit of hazy instructions (you know the kind that say cut out and sew but leave out minor details like dimensions but hey, I figured it out eventually!)
And it worked out pretty good.
The kit I purchased had several errors and one was major;  it didn't include enough of the bottom right side fabric-kind of important!  I have emailed the quilt shop but haven't heard back from them.
The fabric is from a Danish Co that only sells directly to shop owners.  I'm not beaten yet! 
(and yes, I checked Ebay and Etsy and Google-all came up blank!)
Meanwhile, I finished the cormo Nurlimintu shawl...again!
This time it is over six feet long at the bottom of the turquoise section.  It will be plenty big enough to wrap around and be snuggly this time! 


  1. Mmm....that cookie looks good! Poor trees. We still have two giant ones laying across the backyard that Irene and Isabelle brought down. The kitties and Pup love to play on them so now they are yard decor!
    I just started that shawl myself. I knew I saw it somewhere.

  2. Missing fabric is frustrating...keep us posted how that plays out. The earthy colors of your shawl are so very "you"! Glad Dad made it home safely and that he can take over some of the grunt work in the yard for you! :)

  3. Missing fabric is frustrating...keep us posted how that plays out. The earthy colors of your shawl are so very "you"! Glad Dad made it home safely and that he can take over some of the grunt work in the yard for you! :)


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