Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sock Races

The black pair won the sock race by a few hours!
The black socks have a good variation of color which I aim for in a kettle dye;  its good.
The red/green pair are superb!  I loved the red / green switch every row and the little speckle area pooled in an amazing way to swirl over the top of each sock!
I love them and so will the recipient!
And I did another yippee yesterday-I made a batch of soap!
I haven't made one in a long time and we sure needed it!
(The bonus bars from Araignee'sWeb held me over!)
I have made a 4pound, 16 bar batch of peppermint soap 
which is my children's favorite formula!


  1. The socks turned out great -- each one so pretty in their own way! What's not to love about Grandma-socks?! :)

    PEPPERMINT SOAP!!!!! Bruce and I can hardly wait to have the right smell in the shower again and we look forward to unashamedly mooching some. ๐Ÿ˜ We will try to remember to hug you before we run to the soap! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Mmmmm.....your peppermint soap is the best!
    Yay for the FO's! I love the way both turned out. It's so much fun to knit with your own dye job.

  3. So many finishes. The recipient certainly will love the socks!
    It seems like the right time of year for peppermint soap!

  4. What's with me? Whenever you guys make soap I want to eat it. Your socks are inspiring me...maybe it is sock time again........

  5. Faboulous looking socks!
    And KathyB is not the only one who thinks that soap looks good enough to eat.

  6. The soap looks like cake batter. LOL

    Congrats on the socks finish!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.