Friday, November 4, 2016

Sunshine, no Snowflakes!

I pulled out the dyeing equipment to get a bit ahead for the Christmas season!
I pulled the bare skein out to dye it in Fall colors and thought.....I missed the timing on that;  I wanted something that would be timed so the socks could be worn when I was done! 
After soaking the yarn, I squeeze most of the water out by hand.  Then I lay it down and carefully
add the color, turning the skein by hand often to make sure it doesn't miss some areas of the section I wanted to saturate.
I like to do this all stretched out like this so that the excess dyes doesn't muddy the skein like it can when you leave it in the container .  I give it a squeeze over the covered counter and then lay it down for the microwave time. 
See?  It isn't laying in a lake that would turn the bottom of the skein a very unwanted mud color!
I microwaved it and then let it cool on the counter.
I rinsed it by section and the green had absorbed all its dye but the red was still bleeding so it went back into the microwave for another 2 minutes.
This time when it cooled, there was no red in the rinse water!
I laid it out in the sun to dry! 
What do you think?
It is just what I was hoping for! 
You can see an interesting section in the green transition area...the blue showed up for a bit of interest;  I use blue and yellow to make my greens so they can break when you apply them.  It is just a bit of serendipity that makes dyeing fun!
(I wanted to try a bit of speckle between the colors for the transition area;  now I can't wait to get it on the needles to see how it works up!)


  1. I think it looks fantastic!!!! I can't wait to see how it knits up!

  2. I love, love, love it! The speckled areas are reminiscent of candy canes. Makes me feel my first bubbles of excitement for Christmastime! 🎄

  3. So pretty! That's going to be fun to knit.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.