Sunday, March 2, 2025


While I had plans to meet Mary for our send off for the shop hop, things got rearranged a bit.  The antibiotic I am on has decided to make me so nauseous  I could barely hold my own head up!  Bill drove me to our local shop where I met Mary for a brief shop.
This is the quilt I picked out for this year and I bought the fabric I needed.
A quick hug and Bill whisked me back home!  My body is over all the meds, too, I guess but it sure has a nasty way of letting me know!  So grateful for Bill to give up his Saturday morning to haul me in to town and back!  Mary is a good friend to be so flexible with my health ups and downs! (mostly downs)


  1. Sounds like you've got a great support team!

  2. It must have felt good to be out even for a short while. You've got a lot of nice things to keep busy with. It'll be fun seeing what you do with them.

  3. Wonderful to have a friend who friends you no matter what.

  4. You have endured SO much and I know that Mary and Bill both want to help in any way they can to make you feel better and lift your spirits. You picked some great fabrics and I hope you feel up to sewing them very soon.

  5. So sorry you are struggling so much with your health, you've had a lot of stress.... but glad you were able to have a little fun shop... hang in there xx


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While I had plans to meet Mary for our send off for the shop hop, things got rearranged a bit.  The antibiotic I am on has decided to make m...