Saturday, March 15, 2025


Remember last summer when Bill and I built the 'old ladder lattice' and planted wisteria at the two sides?  Well, there are flowers!!!  
The vines have greened up and blossomed so quickly in this warmer weather we've had lately; very exciting.
This is one of the last calliandra flowers.
Likewise, the camellias are just about finished.
Giving way for the azaleas along the driveway
to show off all their colors!
I do love to see color in the yard!
There were quite a few plants that were bitten by the frost, this is my cereus cactus but it will recover.


  1. I’ve got a lot of matching frost bitten things in my yard. I’m wondering if I will get the spectacular color you got in spite of it. We’re a few weeks away from it I think so I’ve got my fingers crossed for my new azaleas and forsythia.

  2. Very jealous of your wisteria! It's so pretty!

  3. Azaleas are so Southern to me. Them and magnolias.

  4. You sure have a lot of pretty flowers! The forsithia is starting to bloom here, but we've had some pretty cold nights lately.

  5. Not a lot of green here yet. But this week we had temps above 50 for most of the week!!


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Yesterday, I took forever to load a quilt and layer it up, arrange the panto and then to begin to quilt.  I felt so rusty and then realized ...