Tuesday, March 11, 2025


It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the doctor's!  Anyway, here are the green beans I planted--
all growing nicely.T
The radishes are growing quickly
 and I am anticipating a good crunch soon!
The summer squash are off to a good start 
though it will be a longer wait for these to be ready!
And I did pick the last of the carrots!  I sure did enjoy them!

I have an appointment for an MRI and then a CT scan today. 
 Lots of fun ahead.  It's a good thing I excel at just laying down.


  1. Sorry to see you are still not feeling all that well. I hope your tests today go well and can provide some answers. Garden bounty!!

  2. Look at all those little sprouts! I hope to see some in my yard soon! We do have snowdrops coming up!!!

    Hope you've got your meds sorted and you're back on track

  3. Ah, gee.....that sounds awful. All that beautiful sunshine out in your sweet little garden has to be a bit restorative but I feel your frustration. Enough is enough. I hope you get some relief soon.

  4. Continued prayers coming your way. Fresh carrots - yummy!

  5. your garden looks amazing - sorry about the setback, that is super frustrating. Sometimes I think we almost need to camp on the DR doorstep *sigh* good luck with the MRI - my least favortie thing in the world... Visualize zip lining ;-)

  6. Funny how our bodies will be sailing along and suddenly, "Nope!" Best of luck with the new meds.

  7. Oh dear one, prayers continue for your healing and well being!


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...