Monday, October 29, 2007


What can set a blogger on the stall mode? Usually it is a project stall and in my case it is a major error which has stalled this project. I was happily sewing on this quilt that had intimidated me for a few years and feeling pretty good about the feels slow while I am piecing but as I set the sections on the bed to get the whole effect it is encouraging! Listening to a book on cd and sewing and enjoying a visit from the cats and DH just makes the hours roll by perfectly.

Day 2 is more of the same and it is so good until THE MOMENT strikes my awareness and I go cold---the faithful key to keep me on track of all the colors that I have been using causes a stumble in the smooth going...why do I have a sick feeling? Oh, no----YES! I have made a mistake in the B fabric--who thought of B for background and BO for border? Do you see how far I have gotten with the paper piecing using BO instead of B--I counted 20 pieces! Can I ignore it and make all the border and background the same-yeah, that lame thought lasts about a second and even then I am disgusted with myself.
Breathe deeply, pick up all the pieces. Pile them neatly on the table, pick up the floor, call your daughter and whine to the answering machine, turn off all the lights and walk away.

Leave the project alone and don't sew for 2 days.



Don't think about it.

Clean the house.

Go into the sewing room and rip out all the 20 pieces and put it back together the right way-what are you sitting here for and putting it off.
I will triumph.
And you will see it!


  1. Don't we all know that sick feeling that happens at the moment of realization...!

    If you squint, though, so that you don't notice the 'oops' part, you can see that this truly will be a work of art worth the agony...!

  2. We learn from our mistakes. I hope you keep going with it; some people would just shove it into a closet (way in the back) and forget it ever existed. Of course, now that you've showed it we won't forget so there is no way it can possibly be left unfinished.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....