Wow, what an incredible feeling of triumph! I knuckled down with a good movie on tv (Hallmark) and and just began to work. I finished the rest of the piecing with the right colors where they belonged and it looked so good. That encouragement pushed me on the the ripping out part with enthusiam and inch by inch it began to glow with rightness! Just look-I have to layer it and quilt it to finish it but you can see it is going to be all I had hoped.
There is a single piece that is still wrong-see if you can hunt it out. I ripped out and re-sewed it twice and both times I grabbed the wrong fabric--I gave up and resigned myself to having an imperfect piece like the Amish sew into their quilts-to acknowledge that only God is perfect in His creations-I certainly acknowledge that but now it is going to forever proclaim that in this quilt, too!
We have a magnificent magnolia tree in the front yard-what a nice way to bring its presence into the house! When I bought the pattern, I didn't know that some day I would reside with such a beauty within my borders.....

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