Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Year Day

Can't let this day pass without a post-Leap Year doesn't come often enough to ignore! Here are a few pictures to mark the chilly start of this day:

This is our ac/heat unit-all frosted up this morning-the heat wouldn't turn off and Bill found out why! No, we don't know why it frosted up but a visit to our neighbor who used to be and AC guy should clear up the mystery. Now the sun is up and warm already; 60 degrees from the 34 of 3 hours ago so it shouldn't be long before it thaws!

The last of the camellia blooms are hanging their heads and giving way to the beauty of...........

..........azaleas around the yard and especially all down our driveway! I have already made plans to swap some shoots with a friend when these are done flowering so we can both expand our selection of colors. Our bushes should continue to bloom well into April so we will enjoy the show for now.

I presently have this florescent pink, light pink and white blooms in my yard. Since she doesn't have any whites she is willing to trade so I may have some of her red and coral plants-we are both happy with the planned exchange!

I have special plans after lunch and if all goes well, will be posting pictures later today-I am hoping to participate in something I have never done before!


  1. What lovely flowers! I am getting the gardening itch myself, since our weather has gotten into the low 80's this week here in Tucson. I need to get my cotton seeds started.
    Enjoy all of your quilting and sewing. I have been knitting up a storm and look forward to getting mor dyeing done in March.

  2. Pretty garden. We have light pink camellias and white autumn crocus in flower.
    End of February marked the end of summer here [not that we've really had one, one of the coolest on record]. Last night got down to 10*C [50*F] - it's usually around 20*C [68*F] or more overnight at this time of year!

  3. David asked me today when summer will be here -- wimpy southern kid! :) The flowers are lovely; I hope ours put on a show this year, too...


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...